Ridge Gear

Helmet (available in 4 colours)

Helmet (available in 4 colours)

A comfortable, stylish helmet designed to protect the user from falling objects.

Our new RIDGEGEAR helmet has been designed in partnership with LAS helmets to create a modern, ventilated and comfortable helmet you will want to wear all day.

Connection points for the addition of universal earmuffs: transparent, smoked or mirrored visor and complete with clips for lamps.

Easy Turn 3D size adjuster complete with micrometric wheel for the regulation in three dimensions of the size.

8 holes protected by steel nets that guarantee optimal ventilation even in a static position.

Tailored fit made of soft technical fabric COOLMAX®, and Sanitized®. Extremely breathable, it maintains comfort for the long term. Completely removable and washable by hand or in the washing machine at 30°C.

Anti-skid strap made of black nylon complete with divider for optimal adjustment.

Available in yellow (RG/HELMET/YELLOW), red (RG/HELMET/RED), white (RG/HELMET/WHITE), black (RG/HELMET/BLACK).

Easy Turn 3D size adjuster
Connection Points
Eight holes protected by steel nets
Inner Pad
Anti-skid strap

Yellow - £40.39
Red - £40.39
White - £40.39
Black - £40.39